
Dialing It In

How do you get a unique and compelling message heard over a sea of competitive noise?  We work to understand the needs of the buyer in order to create messaging designed to get noticed and build engagement. Plugging into the right channels, we target advertising to reach the customer with compelling messaging in the most cost-effective ways.

A couple of brochures are sitting on top of each other

Ad campaign

drives benefits

of ownership

Portfolio Reinsurance

A strong multi-channel advertising campaign was developed to help this B2B financial services company break through the crowded automotive dealer space. The “My Portfolio” campaign leveraged high-impact messaging via print, paid digital, and a new corporate website.

Ownership has its rewards

Among the many advantages over their competition, Portfolio offered FULL ownership of a reinsurance company to auto dealers who sold their products, and the many financial benefits that comes with it.

In speaking directly with dealers who took part in Portfolio’s program, it was obvious by their enthusiasm how much better than the competitive reinsurance offerings Portfolio is. A testimonial campaign became the best way to emulate that excitement.

The campaign was developed featuring dealers (actual and representative,) telling their stories, close up and personal. The campaign resulted in unprecedented readership scores, and an increase in new dealer participation.

A black background with white text that says " the communicator award of the day campaign ".